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Aoa, multimillionaire in his early 20s revealed his secret (03-27-2021)


Today, I'm gonna introduce a trading secret from aoa, cryptocurrency multimillionaire in his early 20s, as I promised a few days ago.

If you don't know who aoa is, then it would be good to check out these posts first before reading it.

💎 Who is aoa on Bitmex?

💎 Aoa's advice on how to turn $5,000 into $100,000,000

💎 Aoa's remarkable earrings of a recent competition on Binance

This advice was written on March, 27

1. He bought a building as one of his asset.

2. Q : I heard that you only depend on a candle. Does it mean candle patterns like a hammer pattern? or are there your own candles? and lastly how do you think about Elliott wave principle?

A : I have relied on my trading experience, not any educational stuff and I don't know well about Elliott wave principle cause it's too difficult to understand.

3. He didn't specifically set up other indicators except basic settings because he believes that candles many people count on are more than just an indicator.

4. He feels that it's hard to establish his trading as a kind of rule because trends in this crypto market change so fast.

5. He considers scalping trading with a half or a quarter of seed money as a good way to gain experience.

6. If he screwed up his trading, he keeps buying and selling to recover from the loss only when a market is volatile. When the market is flat, he rests until it perks up.

7. Starting his trading, He didn't refer to any media regarding investment.

8. He supposes that a rise in the interest would have a strong influence on ATH of bitcoin.

9. Q : How do you think about the prospect of cryptocurrency itself?

A : Even though it is at a crossroads between restriction and generality, the future of it looks positive if it remains a bit ambiguous.

10. As a future trader, he rarely holds his position over 2 weeks excluding 1x leverage. He thinks of HODL in futures as a shortcut to the hell.

11. With a little seed money, he recommends to avoid high leverage, to survive as much as possible and to gain a lot of experiences from trading.

12. He hedges a short position to avoid making a loss in the future market.

13. When he's not sure about the market, he rests until he catches his own market signal. 

14. He never touches alt coins, which is his own decision.

15. He usually sets to 1x leverage with half of his seed money once he enters a trade. 

16. He's not interested in a pump and dump scheme.

17. With regard to trading volume, He keeps a close eye on spot trading volume on Binance. 

The images above show respectively aoa's earnings on Bitmex and Binance.

If you want to see with your own eyes, visit Bitmex and Binance.

💎 Tips for earning $15000 in May alone through arbitrage 


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