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Showing posts from July, 2021

$7,700,000 return in a day

Today, bitcoin finally broke 35k and  In futures market BTCUSDT pair goes above $48,000 liquidating all the shorts.   It's a news like rain for a drought to hodlers. Congrats! It is definitely something everyone can be happy about and I know someone who is on cloud seven now. Aoa whose asset is over $100,000,000 in his early 20s recently keeps us posted on trading and he showed crypto traders his return this morning. As I wrote about him before, spot trading accounts for 40% of his portfolio. He earned about $7,700,000 return in a day thanks to today's surge and also said it has been hard 3 weeks for him.   The exchange in the captured pic is upbit.  💎  Everything about future trade on Binance 💎  'THIS' might be worth of more than $100000 in days to come. Seriously! 💎  Who is aoa on Bitmex? 💎  Aoa's advice on how to turn $5,000 into $100,000,000 💎  How to mine bitocin with my phone and laptob

Aoa, multimillionaire in his early 20s revealed his secret (03-27-2021)

  Today, I'm gonna introduce a trading secret from aoa, cryptocurrency multimillionaire in his early 20s, as I promised a few days ago. If you don't know who aoa is, then it would be good to check out these posts first before reading it. 💎  Who is aoa on Bitmex? 💎  Aoa's advice on how to turn $5,000 into $100,000,000 💎  Aoa's remarkable earrings of a recent competition on Binance This advice was written on March, 27 1. He bought a building as one of his asset. 2. Q : I heard that you only depend on a candle. Does it mean candle patterns like a hammer pattern? or a re  there your own candles? and lastly how do you think about Elliott wave principle? A : I have  relied  on my trading  experience , not any educational stuff and I don't know well about Elliott wave principle cause it's too difficult to understand. 3. He didn't specifically set up other indicators except basic settings because he  believes  that candles many...

39140% Return on Investment

Have you ever heard of 'Coinlist?' Coinlist became a thing among cryptocurrency investors in South Korea since unknown user who invested 'Flow' posted a successful investing story. He or She turned $500 to $100,000~$200,000. I'm not sure about exact earnings but have no doubt about hundreds of millions return. Let's have a quick look at ATH ROI of Coinlist tokens. People who have ever invested in stock, real estate or others would know that the rate of profit in the picture is.. just jaw-dropping. What is 'Coinlist'?  Coinlist is   known as IEO cryptocurrency exchange where we can buy the best new tokens before the teams of tokens list on other exchanges. It's quite  similar to a housing or stock subscription. Not like other exchanges, it gives people a fair chance to take part in the token sales.  In most cases, people who early invested a certain amount to tokens tend to be given priority.  The Coinlist also has its own queue priority system which ...

Aoa's transferred from Bitmex to Binance

Aoa just uploaded a new post!  He said that he recently joined a competition of Binance and here's his result! (About $2,969,432 -> $5,938,864) 90% of his earnings were from bitcoin.  The reason why he's transferred from Bitmex to Binance is that it's hard for him to take a position or liquidate his position because of low volume. However, he has no plan to leave Bitmex . He's using two exchanges now.  He also plans to kick ass a leaderboard on Binance.    If you click these banners, you can easily go to official sites.  Some people lost their asset because they caught in phishing sites. Be careful! 💎  August returns on Binance =??????? 💎  Tips for earning $15000 in May alone through arbitrage  💎  Who is aoa on Bitmex? 💎 Aoa's advice on how to turn $5,000 into $100,000,000 💎  $7,700,000 return in a day 💎  How to mine bitocin with my phone and laptob

Aoa's advice on how to turn $5,000 into $100,000,000

  Can we become a rich in our earlier twenties? People in their 20s of these days often say that they have lost a ladder for class mobility. It’s no joke trying to find a job these days and there might be main reasons for it such as inflation, stepping into a stage of sluggish development and so on.. However, there are some young people turning into a millionaire thanks to cryptocurrency and one of the representative man is 워뇨띠 or aoa on Bitmex in South Korea. Like I said before, he first  opened his eyes to a world of  cryptocurrency in a bear market of 2017-18. He started bitcoin trading with about $   5,295.68 and now his asset became  approximately $ 103,234,231.  He's famous for his own trading. He only counts on volume and candle. He sometimes  receives questions and gives answers. Today's Q&A was written in June 1, 2021 and I'm gonna give you summary information about AOA's trading as my English is not good enough to translate all of writing...

Cryptotab is NOT A SCAM. Here's my earnings.

What is a Crypto Tab?  Crypto Tab is a Bitcoin mining browser whilst people can work on their laptop and use a phone. What? Can I mine Bitcoin? Seriously? Yes.. you can mine bitcoin. Usually people tend to take it as a scam and I was also doubtful about crypto tab. To conclude this is not a scam. Here's my evidence which shows record details of transaction. They sent me bitcoin that I have minded so far, it took some time though. How can I mine? You can install crypto tab through It has two versions which are pro and light and you can use it on your phone and laptop. It's just much like extensions of chrome so you can enjoy Netflix series while using it. If you use crypto tab pro, you can mine bitcoin much faster. This is about 8 hours mining output on my phone. You can also maximize a mining speed. some of you might think this gives a paltry of 1% return but it's better than doing nothing, isn't it?

스타일씨, 저품질 걱정없이 쿠팡보다 높은 수익을 올리는 새로운 부업 플랫폼

이른바 전국민 셀러 시대다. 인스타부터 시작해서 쿠팡파트너스까지 전국민이 셀러가 되면서 쏠쏠하게 부수입을 올리는 사람들이 많아졌다. 한마디로 대세가 된 것인데 이에 셀러와 제품 회사를 중계해주면서 셀러, 제품 회사, 중계회사 모두 이익을 가져갈 수 있는 플랫폼도 생기고 있다. 대표적으로 스타일셀러가 있고 요즘에는 스타일씨가 뜨고있다. ​ 하지만 스타일셀러는 주로 인스타그램을 통한 인플루언서에게 수익이 집중되어있어 일반 개인이 시도하기엔 어렵다. 팔로워 언제 모아요..? 쿠팡파트너스는 블로그 저품질의 위험이 있어 검색시 누락되거나 노출이 되지 않는다. 그리고 이미 많은 사람들이 부업으로 하고 있기 때문에 파이 시장이 갈수록 커지고 있어 경쟁이 빡세다. ​ 오늘 내가 소개하고자 하는 스타일씨는 꽤 장점이 많아보여 다 죽어가는 블로그에 글을 팠다. ​ "이글을 보시는 여러분들이 스타일씨에 빨리 자리를 잡으셔야 하는 이유" ​ 1. 선점효과 스타일씨는 아직 많이 알려지지 않고 공격적으로 광고를 진행하고 있는 단계라 선점효과 를 취한다면 적어도 위에서 언급한 플랫폼들보다 쏠쏠하게 수익을 챙겨갈 수 있을 거라고 자신한다. 아이허브도, 쿠팡도 선점효과를 누린 사람들이 돈을 많이 쓸어갔다. ​ ​ 2. 수익률 그렇다면 스타일씨의 수익률을 어떻게 되느냐? 쿠팡과 비교했을 때 다음과 같다. ​ 여기서 눈에 띄는 점은 셀러 카페가 따로 있어서 특정 제품의 체험단을 신청이 수월하다는 점이다. 한 마디로 자비로 구입해야 하는 것 없이 체험단으로 물품을 받아보고 리뷰를 써볼 수 있다는 것. 이 또한 아주 큰 장점!!! ​ 3. 저품질 위험 없음 지금은 현재 저 표에서 말하는 사람들보다 인원수가 늘었을 거라고 생각하는데 아직까지 저품질 위험은 없다. 하지만 사람들이 모여들고 쿠팡처럼 파이가 커지면 언제 또 네이버가 저품질을 먹일 수 있을지 모르므로 최대한 선점효과를 취해서 이익을 챙기는 것이 좋다고 생각한다. ​ ​ "정말 벌어간 사람들이 있긴 한거야? 광고 ...